World-Class Expertise
Competence Partner Gold
Makro Factory GmbH & Co. KG
As one of Germany's leading IT consulting companies, we have a tested recipe for success and the corresponding implementation expertise for your IT projects. We consult, plan, implement and manage your projects together with you. We use IT analysis, IT strategy and IT compliance as the foundation for all decisions. We are also at your disposal for cloud, support and maintenance services as well as the operation of complete IT environments.In line with our slogan “strategies for a virtual world”, we advise you on your decision to implement the digital transformation and are your reliable companion.

Makro Factory GmbH & Co. KG
An der Raumfabrik 30
76227 Karlsruhe
76227 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 97 003 100
Regional Coverage: Germany
Founding Date: 1994
Number of Employees: 40